“Self Portrait #2”

This is fun!  See what you can do all day when you are retired, the kids moved out and the DW went to get her hair done.:):):).  I gave my Bio on the first one and also used original photos shot today for that one.  So now I can cheat a little and I used old photos that I had in my archives saved especially for this mini-assignment.  Remember I said I worked for Grumman aircraft.  Well they built the infamous “Lunar Module”  and landed men on the moon.  I always envied the astronauts for their talent, knowledge  and the prospect of visiting our nearest neighbor in our  solar system.  Well I recently had the honor of meeting  Buzz Aldrin when he was inducted into the Long Island Cradle  of Aviation a few months ago.  He was the second living human to step on the moon’s surface.  That night as I lay sleeping I dreamed that I was on the moon and took my self-portrait  in my sleep.  How do you like it?

16 Responses to ““Self Portrait #2””

  1. We have a TV Celebrety Here in Australia, much beloved and lovingly called Moon Face. And Eddy you are the spitting image of him. You have made Sally and My day Thank You most profussely.

  2. Oh, a very clever self portrait!

  3. Tammy McChesney Says:

    I love your man in the moon look…how creative and love how it tells something about you and your dreams! Nicely done!

  4. Eddie, I love it!! This is so well done. You are beyond clever. It’s nice that you got to follow your dream and be “in” the moon!!

  5. Working at Grumman, amd being so close to that program was truly an honor. And Yes I can still dream, can’t I?

  6. So you’re the Man in the Moon? It’s well done–it takes a minute to mentally separate the images.

  7. Great Job on the self-portraits. You did a great job on both shots.

  8. Wonderful! We are glad your wife spent some time at the salon so you could create this for us. 😀

    What a thrill to meet Buzz Aldrin!

  9. Very clever, I still remember the whole family being huddled around the TV for the first moon landing. AHH the memories.

  10. Very clever self-portrait.

  11. This is such a cute self-portrait, Eddie. You know the old saying “If you can dream it, you can achieve it.”

  12. Hi!
    Love this! It’s really great. Have a great day!


  13. Two super self portraits Eddie. Whenever I’m out and about and see someone with a camera I find myself wondering if it’s you. Now if I just see someone that looks like a moon or the flag shot from last year….

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